Friday, February 11, 2011

Mandibular Angle Reduction (Reduction Angleplasty)

Overview of the surgery:

Mandibular Angle Reduction (Reduction Angleplasty) is done to individuals who have wide jaw line or square face. It reduces the width of the lower face and change a square face to an oval one.
This procedure can enhance the masculine features, in men while in women it can give an impression of strength and confidence.  In some, however, the jaw can be disproportionately wide as compared to the rest of the face or zygomas and mandibular angles are overly prominent that upsets the balance of the face. This is one reason for aesthetic Mandible Angle Reduction.
The incision of mandible angle reduction is commonly done inside the mouth which means the scar will be invisible.

Duration of the operation:
The procedure is performed about 1-2 hours.

Post operative care:
Swelling and skin discoloration are common and usually will subside within a week or two. Stitches will be removed after about seven days. When the operation is carried out from the inside of mouth, gargle your mouth with mouthwash for at least 10 days. Keep incision region clean and dry. Apply prescribed antibiotic ointment to staples and stitches. Dry thoroughly with gauze. Keep ice compresses on the surgical region continuously for the first 48 hours. Do not use hot dryer, when dry up your hair. Avoid steam baths and saunas for several months. Start with clear fluids and increase as tolerated. Avoid foods that are chewy for the first 2 weeks. No chewing of hard foods or tough foods for 2-4 weeks after surgery. You are to stay on a light diet. No alcohol and no smoking for 2 weeks if possible as they increase swelling; or have only in moderation. You will be asked to keep your head slightly elevated for a few days. Rest quietly in bed with head raised on 2 - 3 pillows. During the first 48 hours bed rest is recommended. During the next 3 to 5 days, you should restrict your normal activities, no housework and no physical labor. During the first 5 days after surgery, it is most important not to engage in any activity which will elevate the blood pressure and possibly increase bruising, swelling and bleeding. Walking is permitted as tolerable. Do not lie face down for one month. When bending down, bend at knees, not with head down.

Recovery period:
Expect to feel tired for 7 - 10 days after surgery, especially after anesthetics. Don't rub or scratch surgical region for at least 2 weeks. Wound dressing should be done twice a day for 7 days, after tape is removed. Take antibiotic for 14 days after surgery. Do not take any vitamin E and aspirin (or acetyl salicylic acid) for 14 days after surgery, because they can increase your tendency to bleed and prescription pain medications will be given for pain relief.

We guarantee quality service and satisfying results of the operation but in cases of surgical corrections, patient can assure a free of charge revision.
Please see before and after photos of Dr.Juta’s patients in the Photo Gallery (photographs showed are with patient’s consent).

Possible risk and complications:
All surgical procedures carry some risk. The risks of undergoing buttock implant surgery include infection, unsatisfactory results, excessive bleeding, adverse reaction to anesthesia, and the need for second, or sometimes third, procedures. Risks are minimal, although, as with any surgery, complications can arise.

Anesthesia use:
Mandible angle reduction surgery is performed under General Anesthesia.

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis.

Preparation before Surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests. X-rays may be taken to evaluate the individual's bone structure.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

For more information about the procedures you may contact: International Marketing Coordinator: or call   mobile phone: +66830868173 line: osias05, whatsapp+viber:+66830868173  or visit our website:

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